Once you’ve determined that you need additional finances for SCI-related expenses, please consider working with NTAF. NTAF is the only organization offering fundraising guidance to SCI patients.
Other advantages of fundraising with NTAF include:
- Guidance to organize, launch and sustain successful fundraising campaigns at no cost to the patient
- Media relations and press kits available
- Fundraising procedures and materials provided including banners, flyers, buttons, pins and bumper stickers
- Fundraising supplements existing insurance coverage and fills gaps
- Toll-free access
- Tax deductibility to your contributors
- State registration assured where required
- Matching gift possibilities from corporations and/or foundations
- Participation in the United Way Donor Choice Campaign and Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #1086)
- Patient websites may be linked on the NTAF website
- Credit card donations accepted using the NTAF toll-free phone number
- Internet donation capabilities
- Memorial contributions accepted in honor of patients
- Acknowledgment of contributions, $250 and above, or upon donor’s request
- Patient medical expenses paid weekly
- Relief from administrative responsibility for medical expenses
- Detailed computerized records on contributions and disbursements assuring proper allocation
- Confidence for contributors that funds are being professionally administered by a national 501(c)3
- Monitoring of financial transactions by certified public accountant
- Print-out reports of contributors to patients and families
- Independent audit performed annually
- On-going advice for successful fundraising
- Referrals to other support resources
- Regional associates located across the United States to give support
- Awards to volunteers for exceptional campaign service
Contact NTAF at (911) 753-9400 or through email at NTAF@catastrophicfund.org